Saturday, September 27, 2014

Public Access Test and Graduation!!!

At the end of our last training day, Jeremy handed out two times to each family. The first time was when our Public Access Testing would take place at the mall (our's happened to be 11 a.m.), and the second time (12:30 p.m.) was the time we would meet with Jennifer and go over all the certification paperwork.

Since Ben went through all the training with Sobe, we decided that he would do the entire test. I was going to be there to watch, and we would leave Benjamin with Gammy and Gobah. (you can split it up, have your kids there or not, whatever you feel most comfortable with) The testing can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour, just depending on how things are going. 

Of course, we were nervous for the test, but it's really ok. They prepare you thoroughly and there is absolutely nothing to stress about (of course, I still did... and I wasn't even the one testing!) The testing is not based on you or your dog being absolutely perfect... sure there are a couple incidents that would terminate your test immediately, but more how and if you can handle your dog in public under any circumstance.

Here's Ben and Sobe with a chicken nugget temptation in that little black bowl:

Here's another part of the test and a big distraction for the dogs: (video below)

Part of the test we have to keep our dogs in an "under" for like 15 minutes. Of course, we chose Starbucks to bide our time:

Graduation was at 2:30, so we decided to go back to the hotel after the testing, grab Benjamin and my parents, and then we would all head to the temporary training building where we would meet with Jennifer and then just hang out til graduation. 

Jennifer goes over all your paperwork with you. You will get a complete packet with your SD's medical history and certifications. Here's Sobe's:

Did you now there was a 4Paws shop?? While we were waiting for graduation, we were able to purchase any additional items. The harness Sobe wears for mobility work with Benjamin, is all leather and big and bulky/strong. We purchased another harness that would be more comfortable for travelling and errands/appointments that Benjamin wouldn't need Sobe for mobility as much. We also purchased an additional mutt matt to use at school and some t-shirts! (remember to include this in your budget... they do take credit cards)

Ben and I each purchased one of these polo's. We thought they would be great for times we were invited to educate/introduce Sobe and 4 Paws around our community:

Next... GRADUATION!!! What a special time! There were quite a few people there. I sat next to the college student who fostered Soren (another dog in our class)! It was really cool to talk with her and hear her experiences!!

Jeremy handed out a certificate to each of us:

We each took a new photo with our service dogs:

And each kiddo writes their name and dog's name on the sheet behind us:

We took a class picture:

This is the sign we made for 4 Paws that has all the kiddo's hands on it and some doggie prints too:

We definitely wanted a picture with Jennifer (Sobe's trainer):

Cake time:

A family train:

It was definitely a big day. I cried like crazy. Each family went around the room and introduced themselves and said a little something about how this service dog has changed their lives. I'm really going to miss the 4 Paws staff and the families we trained with. We're already trying to plan a reunion!! 

Lauren and I (Excel's mommy): 

About half of the families left Friday night after graduation and the other half left on Saturday. I'll say this... there is no way if you're flying that I would fly out Friday night... You don't have an ounce of energy left! We left Saturday morning at 6 a.m. to catch a 9:30 flight in Cincinnati. 

***BTW!!! TSA was awesome at the airport. They told me that anytime I'm flying out I can call TSA Cares (at any airport) and they will set it up that somebody will assist us all the way through security. I'm definitely trying this next time I fly!! We always get stopped anyways with all of B's medications (a pretty much guaranteed full body scan) and now with a service dog we have the whole shebang going on!! 

Sobe's first plane ride:

My Benjamin boy who loves take-off and landing:

On our second flight, I sat right next a Special Education Professor who flies around and trains about 10,000 teachers a week!!! I loved picking her brain and hearing her advice!! She was having dinner that night with Nancy Pelosi who was also on our plane (right behind Ben and Benjamin). We thought this was for Sobe Superstar but really for the Madam Speaker: 

Finally home!!! Everyone is adjusting to the new changes and the time difference. We ordered Sobe's kennel right before we left so Ben put that together tonight. However, I think Benjamin and Sobe have been masterminding this situation because Sobe wants to sleep in Benjamin's bed, and Benjamin wants to be in Sobe's kennel... like literally we have to keep it shut or he's in there:

Life is good:

So I'll probably be taking a break from blogging for awhile... need to get our life back in order and some checklists crossed off, but I'll definitely be on to share more adventures of Sobe and Benjamin!!! Thanks for following our trip! XOXO Now let the real journey begin!! 


  1. That is so Awesome! Thank you for sharing your stories!!

  2. Awesome! So excited for you guys! What a blessing!
