Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Bah Humbug!!!

"She's a mean one, Mr. Grinch!!"  Yes... me. Grinchy and bah humbugging here. What the heck??  I hope nobody else is feeling this way... but if you are, you are not alone! I am majorly overwhelmed this year. Maybe because Christmas and Thanksgiving are so close together? The fall decor is still not completely put away and there are Christmas boxes everywhere! And don't even get me started on Elf on the Shelf!! Yeah right... Santa's MAYBE getting store bought cookies this year. Better yet, there's Otis Spunkmeyer cookie dough in the bottom freezer... Knock yourself out Santa!! 

 HAHAHA, just kidding... sort of! But seriously, this year I would much rather spend a much needed family day together playing and watching movies then 5 hours in the yard trying to put up lights only to spend the next Saturday taking them all down again. That doesn't even sound fun and we just don't have that kind of time right now. So this year... Simplicity. I'm going to take away all "expectations". If I don't feel like doing it, if my hearts not in it... if it's more stressful then it is fun... it's getting cut. We have our tree up... still not decorated, and I'm thinking one manger scene and I'm calling it good! And then if it feels like fun or might be a good family activity... we'll put something else up.  (This is from the girl who usually changes out all her normal dishes to Christmas dishes!) All those Christmas boxes are going back in the garage. Check, check and check! And now... I can actually function and breathe and spend more time with those I love and heck, maybe even focus on the real meaning of Christmas! (Don't worry, I'll have my over the top Christmas spirit together next year I'm sure!!! Ben can NOT believe I'm boycotting Christmas decorating!)

This REALLY IS going to be a great Christmas! Benjamin is changing so much! He's noticing and into everything and I don't want to miss these new adventures because my "to do" list is soooo ginormously huge and I'm so stressed out and grumpy. I went in this morning to wake him up for school and came back to this: (video below -  it might not show up on some devices - go get on a different computer, this will put a smile on your face!) 

What?? My kid likes to color?? News to me!! :)

By the way, I'm totally doing Elf on the Shelf one of these years with Benjamin when he's into it! 

By the way again, I mostly just wanted to share this awesome video and it turned into more of a diary entry. Thanks for letting me vent. I feel much better already! 

Much Love, 
Grumpy, stressed out mom who is having an attitude and life adjustment TODAY!! :)

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