First of all... ALL THE MONEY HAS BEEN RAISED FOR BENJAMIN'S SERVICE DOG!!!!!!!!! We are waiting for a pretty large Employer Match to be sent to 4 Paws for Ability and that's suppose to happen at the beginning of September. Then we will get the "official" phone call from 4 Paws saying we have met our goal and giving us more info!!! I swear... 2 1/2 months of fundraising has to be some kind of world record! I thought it might take 2 1/2 years!! We are so loved... and we feel so grateful to everybody who has helped us on this journey. This was a big item on our bucket list with Benjamin and it's actually happening! So we're probably looking at getting Benjamin's dog sometime in September of 2014 but I'll let everyone know as soon as we get the details. For now... we have to get a yard in!! Because... well, as you can see:
Except there is no grass, just all mud in the front and back. And Ben was going to put it in the spring, but his wife had him running around doing doggie fundraisers! So come fall, it's going to be seedin' time!
Camp Attitude: The third week of July we headed out to our much anticipated week at Camp Attitude. Benjamin was a little sick but that's very par for the course before we go on vacation. We were able to spend 2 1/2 days there before Ben and Benjamin were really sick and we had to come home. Such a BUMMER!! It's my favorite week of the year but it wasn't meant to be this year... Camp Attitude has to have it's own blog. There's way too much share and some great pics! The days we did get to be there we had a blast and Benjamin had a great buddy named Lizz! (pic below)
Newest Family Member: We have another small addition to our family... A much needed sucker fish named Sluggar. I think sucker fish are totally weird so I told Ben if we have to have one, can it at least look pretty?? Ben sent me multiple pictures of these beautiful sucker fish that were options... and then he came home with this guy: (Pic below)
I about died... REALLY? This ugly thing? He is now my absolute favorite!! He is so fun and has a ton of personality!! Beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder! We love our Sluggar!!
Glasses progress - I am happy to report we are making SOME progress... and I'll take SOME over NONE!! Benjamin is actually having a good time when we "play" with them. But we haven't gotten over the 20 minute benchmark yet! There's lots of counting and games and clapping happening about glasses over here! It's really quite comical how much we do to try and get this kid to wear his... especially gobah and gammy-my dad and mom!! (I hope somebody in the government is getting a good laugh peering in on us! ;)
(video below)
AFO's (ankle/foot orthotics) - Benjamin was fitted for a pair of these a few weeks ago. They think this might do the trick to help him be able to stand with out any support (well, except for his AFO's) They should be done here shortly and I'm hoping we can get use to them before kindergarten starts on the 9th.
First Theatre Movie: We took Benjamin to see Despicable Me 2 in the theaters. He did pretty good for the first time! (Really, really good with the minions were on! (pic below)
Canby Fair - This past week my sis in-law Hannah came up and stayed with us for a night. We went to the Canby fair and had a blast!! Hannah got Ben up on stage in two different shows! HAHAHA!! He had to hold a stalk of celery in his hand while Crazy Alex cut it in half by throwing a playing card and then had to do an awkward chest bump! BAHAHA If you know Ben at all... you know chest bumping another sweaty guy is NOT at the top of his list!!! (video below)
And here's my little cutie boy: (p.s. the cow is not real!)
The summer has seriously flown by and I feel like we were sick for half of it. There's still a few months left of good weather so time to make the most of it!
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