Saturday, May 11, 2013

"How much is that doggie in the window?"

So if you haven't already heard, we have volunteered to raise funds for 4Paws Ability!!! This is a great organization where we volunteer and are actually in a contract to raise $13,000.00 for this company. In return, 4 Paws is making a commitment to place a quality trained dog, picked and trained specifically to meet Benjamin's needs for free! We have talked and researched this for the past couple years, and after Benjamin had another couple seizures... we felt it was time!

I am getting several inquiries about how to donate so here's how you can donate right now!

Make the check out to Paws for Ability and be sure to put Benjamin Silverman on the check. This is how we get volunteer credit towards the fundraising requirement for bringing your donation to 4 Paws. 
Send check to: 253 Dayton Ave, Xenia, Ohio 45385

We have already been humbled and blessed by just people's excitement to join in on the adventure with us!

Here's more about the process:

We are going through a non-profit organization called, 4 Paws for Ability located in Xenia, Ohio.
  • At 4 Paws for Ability it costs $22,000 to train and place a service dog with a disabled child.
  • However, our families engage in fundraising activities as volunteers for 4 Paws to qualify for a free service dog.
  • Each family is asked to help raise at least $13,000                                                                     
The reason they do it like this is so that people can make donations and get a tax deduction.
One of the reasons we liked this organization so much is that they will train Benjamin's dog to be a multipurpose service dog. The dog will be trained to support Benjamin in several different ways:

Mobility Assistance Dog:
  • Retrieve dropped items
  • Bring the phone
  • Turn lights on and off
  • Carry items in a dog backpack
  • Get a parent in the home
  • Open doors in the home
  • Hit open doors buttons in public
  • Hit the elevator buttons
  • Assist with undressing by pulling on clothing
  • Open drawers and cabinets
  • Provide emotional and spiritual support
  • Pulling a wheelchair chair up inclines and ramps, and for short distances
Seizure Alert Dog:
  • Alert parents of on-coming seizure
  • Provide a measure of comfort for the child
  • Provide a distraction during unpleasant medical procedures, such as blood tests
  • Be used during a therapy session to enlist the child’s participation
  • All Seizure Assistance Dogs at 4 Paws are trained in behavior disruption, which is a skill started in our Autism Program. With behavior disruption, the parents have commands to send the dog in to interact with the child. Seizure medications often cause behavioral issues, and this skill is a great means of helping your child work though them.
    In addition, some seizure medications cause issues with balance and the dogs are trained, if needed, to help the child during these times by walking beside them with a harness they can hold to help stabilize themselves. During the interview and acceptance phase other tasks that may benefit the child may also be identified and trained.

    And the last area is Behavior Disruption which is talked about above. When Benjamin has sensory overload or tantrums, we will be able to give a command to have the dog disrupt the behavior and help Benjamin learn to self-regulate better. The dog will also be trained to be harnessed to Benjamin (if we so choose) and keep him from wandering. Why that is not a big issue right now... as he gets better with his walker, yet still lacks communication skills both on the giving and receiving end, we'll be able to tell the dog to sit,stop etc. and Benjamin won't be able to get much further without us.

    We are crazy excited about this as we think Benjamin is just going to continue to progress leaps and bounds! Right now we are waiting for the official contract documents from 4 Paws. Our application is in, we've had our over-the -phone interview with the Director and as soon as we get the contract we'll be able to set up all tax deductible donations both online and by check.

    I'll have thermometer progress and all that just as soon as we get info from 4 Paws! Again, we are so blessed to have so many lovely people in our lives and thank you a million times for your love and support!

    Last but not least, after we've raised the $13K, we'll be sending a video in (this is Ben's big job) to show the trainers everything we can about Benjamin's life. His bad times, good times, seizures, school days, church days, etc. We'll be sure to keep you all in the loop. You can follow this blog by submitting your email on the right hand side or by becoming a follower. I will also post on fb when I put a new blog up. Once we've sent the video in, it will take 11 months to train the dog. They will assign us to a class and we will fly back to Ohio for two weeks for intensive bonding and training!! They will have several dogs ready and they will match the best one to Benjamin. (Personally, I'm praying for a girl, goldendoodle named Nana like the dog on Peter Pan) but that's not how it works really. The dog is matched to the child completely by temperament compatibility and which dog will best fit Benjamin's needs... (but please, God... a goldendoodle! Ben's hoping for a lab!)

    Sorry this is sooooo long! Thanks for joining us on this journey! xoxo


  1. Praying for you guys! I'm excited to witness this journey of yours! Blessings, Silverman family!
