Wednesday, May 8, 2013

It's official... I'm a blogger!

I'm doing it... I've jumped into the official blog world. Lord knows if I'll actually have time to keep up on this. But there is soooo much happening in our little world that I definitely want to document as well as share it with our family and friends around us. Because let's face it... We're all so crazy-busy that the best time to catch up is late at night when the kids are in bed and you can finally sit down and see what some of the important people in your life are up to. Plus, with half of my dear friends living across the country... phone talking has become nearly impossible!

Most likely this blog will be all about Benjamin... because let's just get this out in the open... our lives really are all about Benjamin. In fact, every so often I get distracted and think of some great job I'd like to have or some great ministry I'd like to start and God reminds me that the most important job/privilege/calling I have in this life is my little boy. And it's a darn good job/privilege/calling and it's a darn hard one, so much so, that most of the time I feel completely overwhelmed. But I am so thankful that I have the best partner in life to help me be the best parent and wife I can be. I also have an extremely supportive family and some great friends that are gracious and loving and I am so thankful and blessed!!

So here we go... get ready to join in on the adventures of a life time! Get ready to fall in love with our Benjamin Button (everybody does... I mean really fall... you just can't help it) and get ready to see life through a different pair of eyes. What's it like to have a non-verbal, darling little boy... who would love to watch fish all day, and gets so excited he giggles uncontrollably and does "happy hands", gets so mad he makes himself throw up, and gives the best, tightest bear hugs you've ever had? You're about to find out!!


  1. Oh I am so blessed to have you as a great niece. This is a wonderful thing you are doing. Everyone will fall in love with Benjamin Button...that's a promise.

  2. Nicole, thank you for sharing your experiences along this jounrey of life. You, Ben and Benjamin are an inspiration to my family. Thank you for reminding us what is important in life. Sometimes we lose sight of that in this fast paced world. I look forward to reading more about your challenges and triumphs and seeing pictures of your smiling little Benjamin Button.

    Keep up the good work!

  3. Thank you for sharing such an important part of your life. You and BJ are such wonderful parents and Benjamin Button is so blessed to have you both. You are loving, caring forgiving, and your passion as a family is incredible. Keep up the good work.
